Posted by Slowplum on 8/09/2002 06:21:00 AM
So yeah. Tuesday sucked because 1) I slept in, and I hate that, even if it is only for a few minutes I spend the rest of my day catching up with myself. 2) the lock to the door in our house busted and I could not get in and it was hot and my son was tired and had a poopy pull-up because he was sick and had the runs. BADDD scenario.

Took the locksmith 1 hr to come to my house. So I am glad I dropped my son off at the in-laws and came back to wait for him. Then he picked the lock on the garage door (we didnt' have a key for it and haven't ever) and took the doorknob off and then took the doorknob off our front door and tons of dust came out. The peg in the middle had rounded off (normally they are square) so he took both of these things and took them back to his magic locksmithing shop and came back and voila. Not only was front door lock fixed, now garage door works with same key. YAY LOCKSMITH! He also only charged me like, forty bucks, which is wayyyy cheaper than he should have. I RULE.

Wednesday was better. I still slept in again and had to scramble like a madwoman when I got home to clean up toys &etc from the floor (kids toys, yo) for my fantasia party. It was fun and I got like $150 in FREE PRODUCT WOO! Anyway. My parents kept the kids all night haha! Suckers.

...but I slept in a little again from being up so late Wed night (why I was up so late is NONE OF YOUR BEESWAX). GAH! This week it is like my sworn duty to sleep in or something. But SO woke up this time and sped me off to work and we even had time for me to get coffeeeeee mmmmmm.

Ok. So. That brings us to today. I actually woke up early today in spite of the fact I was up late again. Let's hope it goes over well, but I doubt it.


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