the two towers

Posted by Slowplum on 1/27/2003 06:12:00 AM
So we got to see the Two Towers after all. It was really good, here are some points:

- movie theatres need to make comfier seats for three bloody hour movies
- I got sick of the Helm's Hold fight halfway through and wished they'd move on al-thefuck-ready.
- movie was very fight-intensive. It was neat but your eyes didn't really have time to rest, trying to keep up with everything. I suppose I liked that because the cinematography was tricky, confusing your eyes like that kind of draws you in, and that's how a real battle would be anyway, chaos and not knowing up from down by the end of it.
- I wonder if he'll bite off Frodo's hand in the third movie like they did in the book. Or was it just his finger? I can't remember. (What? I don't care about spoilers here, there is one fucking giant spoiler called, "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy" that is available in BOOK FORM. You know, books? Those things people used to consume before the media got its claws into us?)
- The ents were really, really, really cool.
- The ent battle was really, really cool.
- If the black riders had fell beasts to begin with, why even start on horses in the first part?
- that Aragorn sure can tell a lot from messed-up straw. Dramatization of the Aragorn tracking method:

"There was a struggle. A hobbit lay here. Then they had a game of cards and drank lemonade. The orcs lost the card game. Somebody was wearing Calvin Klein cologne. I'm missing one sock. There were three crickets on that piece of straw there, but they fled the scene."

Ok so I exaggerated a bit. But it was like that, ya know?

Ok that's all I can think of. Off to work with me then.


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