that thing.

Posted by Slowplum on 12/29/2003 08:29:00 PM
Choose one band/artist, and fill in the blanks with only titles of the songs from that band/artist.

Band/Artist - David Bowie

Are you female or male? - Lady Grinning Soul

Describe yourself - I Am A Laser

How do some people feel about you? - I'm Deranged

How do you feel about yourself? - Baby Grace (A Horrid Cassette)

Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend. - I Pity The Fool

Describe where you want to be. - Trying To Get To Heaven

Describe what you want to be. - New Killer Star

Describe how you live. - Lust For Life

Describe how you love. - Love You Till Tuesday

Share a few words of wisdom. - It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City


what day is it, sir?

Posted by Slowplum on 12/28/2003 08:36:00 AM
gah. i am so christmased out it isn't even funny. the kids got mega spoiled but it was so nice to see them get all excited about it and they are still in that glow.

sousa christmas was on the 20th and i hated it. as usual i got to watch everyone else's kids while they gnoshed and socialized among themselves. we had the food catered in this year because the womenfolk are tired of cooking for 40 people. well my uncle sid decided to be a fucking brat and start bitching about it and then when my mom brought out shrimp and crab and stuff that she'd made for the men to snack on he mentioned something about if she was going to cook that stuff anyway why didn't she cook the entire meal, it would have tasted better. etc etc i was going to go off on a rant at him but my aunt held me back and told him to shut up because he was hurting my mom's feelings and if that's how he honestly felt he should shut up and get in the god damn kitchen at 6 in the morning and spend a fucking fortune on booze and nevermind him taking his 24 hour fucking naps. it was a total mess and by the time SO got off work to come visit everyone had gone home already except my mom's sisters and their families and i swear the only ones i like are my aunt nat's family and my uncle mike's family. the rest of them can rot in hell and i don't think i'll be going to next year's function if i have to put up with all the crap anymore. cripes.

SO was actually in the christmasy mood this year too so he was a little disappointed that everyone went home but when he saw the look on my face he was like "ok let's go home now" and we went.

we went to my mom & dad's on christmas eve and i had 100% better time, the meal was good and peaceful and everyone loved their gift i got them including my brother's girlfriend michelle so nyah!

then we came home and i was up till 1am arranging things so that when the kids woke up evidence of santa was there but also so that i had less to do in the morning for the christmas brunch i was hosting.

christmas day i was woken up at 5 am by my excited son. but my daughter & hubby were still sleeping so i convinced him we had to watch finding nemo until they got up. 3 minutes later the boy was snoring and i was wide awake. so i did what any sane person would do, made myself some coffee and baked some pastries. the coffee was way too strong as i had in my hurry the night before put too much coffee in the filter. eek!

C & SO woke up and we opened our stockings & gifts. it was a good time then SO's parents & siblings and our grandmas and my parents came over for brunch: hash browns w/cheese & onion, bacon, ham, waffles with berries & whipped cream, pastries, croissants, cheese & crackers, cold veggie pizza, punch, coffee & bailey's, etc. it was a lot of food and everyone was stuffed and i think my dad was pretty amazed that i could cook all that.

in the evening even though i was exhausted we had to go to SO's parents home for christmas dinner. tons of food later i finally caved and brought K home and left C with SO at his parents for a while. K and i had some good down time watching toy story on the couch and we both only just nodded off when SO & C came home.

boxing day was ok, pretty uneventful but that's perfect. we went to the store to pick up a present for C's friend's birthday party, the car wouldn't start so we ended up walking but it was a nice walk.

the 27th was the M side get together we had it at the optimist hall because there's so many of them. it was potluck and i was volunteered to bring trifle. which was fine it is easy to make but a lot of work. gah. SO helped me which was muchly appreciated but i couldn't help but feel he did it because he felt guilty for being such a jerk lately (don't get me started on it, ok)

i think that gets us up to date, non?

hope everyone else had a good holiday.



Posted by Slowplum on 12/23/2003 07:15:00 AM

I feel ridiculously unprepared.

Thanks to those who replied to my previous post. In the sake of fairness I will reveal what I wanted most when I was a kid: A typewriter. Did I ever get one? Nope. Do I have one now? Yup. Do I use it? ALL THE TIME. The satisfying CA-CHUNK CA-CHUNK as I type row up on row of words makes it all worth it. Why did I never get one? Because my mom was the gift shopper in our house and never, ever paid attention to my list. Even though there was only one thing on it. Ok two, I also wanted thinsulate mittens. Did I get those? Nope. Cripes. Don't make me get into what my brother got (read: almost anything he desired). Why did I want a typewriter? Because I wanted to be a writer more than anything. My mom thought that was a dumb dream because it wasn't a "practical" thing to want to be. Yeah.

There will be GAMES at my Christmas gathering of my own device. You are all hella jealous I bet yessiree. I will be giving out fabulous prizes!

It will shock some to learn I have started a character on the game EQ. It is a warrior which is the most ridiculous class to choose below mages (hahahaa) but requires little in the thought department. Slash crush kick slash crusk kick. Also, I use my other half's fungi tunic so ha! I never have to sit for four billion hours to get hit points back. I am up to lvl 20 now which is pretty miraculous because I usually lose interest in the game by lvl 6. I also find it funny that my favorite haunt (Paludal caverns) was my favorite because nobody was there. Now everybody and their brother is there. It's like Lake of Ill [Omen|Manners] all over again. Does anyone remember the fear of travelling? I mean going through Kithicor was a big deal and hella dangerous. Now you just click on a book and there you are. They make it way too easy for new characters now too. meh. Now I am just kvetching.

La la la I have to work today and tomorrow and the 29 and the 30 and the 2nd and the 4th. Some two week holiday, thanks alot [current job location]!

memo to self:
write about - core christmas luncheon - sa family gathering - IT CAME FROM DENTISTVILLE - new glasses - etc

In case I don't post between now and then, I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday. Please be safe and see you in time for the post-Christmas pre-New Year's Eve hangover! (hee)


Every Who down in Who-ville, the tall and the small, was singing!

Posted by Slowplum on 12/23/2003 06:57:00 AM
Without any presents at all!
He HADN'T stopped Christmas from coming!
Somehow or other, it came just the same!

I always get a little choked up at that part. Shut up. I know I'm a sap.

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before!
"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store.
"Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more!"



Posted by Slowplum on 12/19/2003 10:14:00 PM
When you were little, what was one thing you wanted more than anything for Christmas?

Did you get it?

If given the chance, would you get one now?


At the request of several of you...

Posted by Slowplum on 12/17/2003 08:40:00 PM
Here they are:

Bath salts (simple)

- 2 cups of epsom salts
- 1 cup of sea salt (coarse or fine, use your discretion. I prefer fine)
- 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil (mix and match)

Mix all these things together, smushing down any clumps made by the oil drops. Add a few drops of food coloring if you want to make purty colors. Store in an air tight container (I tend to use mason jars and pretty them up with stickers and other crafty things). Some people add a few teaspoons glycerin, I leave that to the user's discretion. Personally I see no need for it.

Use: Pour about 1/3 cup under running water for your bath. If you are using for foot soak, you will only need a few scoops...

My favorite smells:

peppermint, peppermint&orange, orange, orange&grapefruit, lavender, and peach. But I'm all out of peach. *pout*

Bath bombs (also simple)

This is for a very very small batch. triple quantities of ingredients if you want lots.

- 2 tbsp citric acid
- 2 tbsp corn starch
- 1/4 cup baking soda
- 3 tbsp coconut oil
- 1/4 tsp essential oil (just put in a whole bunch of drops. use your discretion)
- food coloring (optional)

Mix citric acid, corn starch, & baking soda together. set aside. Melt coconut oil in a small glass bowl in the microwave (around 1 minute to 1-1/2 should do you). Add fragrance & color (food coloring optional), stir all together. Slowly add this mixture to dry ingredients, blending well. If you do this too fast, the dry stuff will fizz up too soon! Shape the finished mixture into appx 1" balls and place on wax paper. Allow 24-36 hours to dry. Store in airtight container. Please avoid leaving out to dry in humid areas as these will cause the bombs to "go off" before they are ready.

Citric acid and coconut oil can be found in most bulk stores, and some grocery type places. Same deal with essential oils. They may seem costly, averaging about $7 a bottle of essential oil, but believe me it lasts FOREVER. Coconut oil comes solid (some people don't realize that). These things are awesome and really do work. The coconut oil leaves your skin feeling smooth and the essential oils really permeate the bath well.

Use: drop into bathtub full of water for yummy smelling fizzy experience. Hurrah!

Favorite smells are same as above.

Any questions?

Posted by Slowplum on 12/17/2003 06:31:00 AM
Today one of my bosses is taking us out to lunch for Christmas... should be interesting as he is just getting over the flu I gave him last week (whoops).

Christmas is fast approaching and I feel completely unprepared for it. I still have a ton of wrapping things to do and I need to get my act together about the brunch I've been volunteered to host on Christmas Day...

C came home from school yesterday with a present for us all wrapped up. She wanted us to open it right then but I said we should put it under the tree and wait until Christmas. She is just hopping with excitement because her class has been working on these gifts for about a month now... she is so sweet.

I made peppermint bath salts for each of the grandmas, they can use them to soak their feet. I tested it out and it's marvelous. I also made grapefruit & orange scented bath bombs... mmmm. They totally work too! hahaha. I am creative geeeeenius!

The kids decided they wanted to make some for my mom so I let them at it and they had a blast... poor mum is going to have some interesting smelling bath salts though because the kids went a little overboard with the essential oils... oh well it's the thought that counts and knowing my mom she will be all verklempt about it anyway.

I have a dental appointment for a small filling on the 23...ugh... don't wanna. The kids have one on the 31st (you read that right, son) thankfully it's only a check up.

I have to work through the 2 week "shutdown" of our workplace. So I'll be in on the 22, 23, 29, 30, & 2 while everyone else has those days off. *sigh* Oh well at least I don't have to work Christmas Eve & New Year's Eve this year.


results due to random clicking

Posted by Slowplum on 12/16/2003 07:27:00 AM
My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 cenopussys a-wailing.
11 cowboyneals a-milking.
10 cutiestars a-piping.
9 dannyes a-twirling.
8 devon_harts a-bowing.
7 ducky537s a-skipping.
6 halspals a-gyrating.
5 dark green hemoss.
4 staring lazysuns.
3 Turkmenistani lometas.
2 pig moonflower123s.
And a quizro in a peach tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.


I still miss you, now and then. You'll never know.

Posted by Slowplum on 12/11/2003 11:09:00 PM
I still dream about you, and in my dreams you are dining with us and you are laughing and you are singing with your deep booming voice and you are alive. And you are so alive.

Waking up stings like cold water. You have been gone for almost 6 years now; your face is fading but your voice will never die. Oh my grandfather how I miss you. I took you for granted and now you are gone and I don't know what to do to fill that empty spot in my heart. I have tried filling it with books and knowledge and songs, and love, but it just won't fill up. I am emptier than ever and I never knew grief could cut through a person so simply and so cruelly.

Did you see my tears that day in the hospital? That last day I saw you alive. I tried so hard to keep them from you. I turned away, I walked to the window, I shut them up behind my eyelids. But they came all the same and I think that's because I saw how very small you had become, I could have cradled you like a child in my arms and I would have given anything to be able to do so, because I remember you doing the same for me when I was small and scared.

And I remember showing you my daughter that day and I was so happy that you were there to see her but I was so sad to know that you would never hear her tell you she loved you and you would never see her laughter. She sings all day sometimes, did you know that? This is your gift to her, I think. I see in her your love of life and laughter.

I also remember the not so nice things, grandfather. I am not so naive as to romanticize the life you lead... the things that hurt us all, the months of absence, so many other things pile up. I push them away because I want you to be a beacon not a shade.

Look here, I have a son now. Did you know that when he was born, he looked just like you? So much so that everyone saw it immediately and remarked and we didn't know what to do with that. It was like you had blanketed him up into yourself to protect him until it was time for him to be born. Did you know I almost died that day, grandfather? And that something guided me safely back. I think it was you.

I threw a tiger lily down to chase the dirt that had fallen into your grave onto your casket. I remember kneeling down in front of the hole and wanting to jump in and claw at the box that was hiding your soulcage and beg you to wake up, please wake up, please? I remember my husband pulling me up and cutting my closure short because everyone had left and we had to go now.

I don't resent the fact that they buried you on my birthday. You had no say in this, I know this, I know. What can I say? Now I have no possible way of forgetting. Ever.

I have so many things to say to you and I have so many things to share and I can't. And sure I could call out into the ether and I could whisper prayers to things unseen to carry my words from my heart to you, but what's the use? Some things are best left alone.

I still think of you, grandfather. I still love you, grandfather. I still need you, grandfather. And you'll never know.


happy birthday, baby brudda

Posted by Slowplum on 12/11/2003 08:53:00 PM
R turned 26 today.

My favorite things about my brother:

- Captain Hook
- Captain Kirk
- G.I.Joe
- snakes in margarine tubs
- the best speech at my wedding
- white man in Harlem
- "Let's discover morning!"
- making me laugh and pop my stitches after an appendectomy by singing silly songs and playing his guitar
- the fact that even though he is a selfish bugger sometimes, he has such a good good heart.


If it involves Muppets, I'm in.

Posted by Slowplum on 12/11/2003 06:50:00 AM
animal jpeg
You are Animal.
You are completely nuts, but fun to be around.

Drums, Women, Food.
Drums, Women, Food.

"Louder!", "Food now!" and
"Want Woman!"

"The Musicians' Guide to Drums, Women &

An appetite.

What Muppet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by Slowplum on 12/10/2003 11:15:00 PM
it's a luscious mix of words and tricks
that let us bet when you know we should fold

Posted by Slowplum on 12/10/2003 03:11:00 PM
15 more sleeps to santa!!!



Posted by Slowplum on 12/09/2003 09:18:00 PM
I love exploding dog.

MS meeting was good. I am now on a mission to woo corporations into giving us sponsorship. Wish me luck.

Posted by Slowplum on 12/09/2003 02:53:00 PM
Don't you hate it when you dream, and in your dream you think "this dream is important, I must remember this", and then someone wakes you up too soon and you can't. remember. a. damn. thing.


didn't go to work today, because i didn't sleep enough last night. cold and shaky. not well. not well. up sick all night.

was up late enough to watch a couple of old episodes of futurama (read: 3 fucking a.m. in the morning, cockadoodleTHAT, earlybirds) and an episode of the family guy. that is one of the most messed up cartoons ever.

i wish the good people at homestarrunner.com would update soon. the future of good television can't even be found on television. sad sad.

i have a meeting tonight for the Walk for MS committee; I have a feeling they are going to try and lasso me into doing some public speaking for them, which makes me hella nervous, but it is such a good good cause I don't know if I will be able to refuse.

I've been doing the Walk for MS for about 5 years now, more or less ever since I knew about it. It's one of those few causes I would give everything I had to, probably because it hits close to the bone: one of my dearest friends has it.

Read "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and really it was quite funny, somewhere along the lines of Bridget Jones but not in journal form.

OK time to go sleep the sleep of the near-dead until I have to go to the meeting...no wait... must go pick up daughter from school first. Gah.

and here is that damn gollum song i mention in current music (for those of you who don't follow the everything2 threads)



Posted by Slowplum on 12/08/2003 06:30:00 AM
It is such a secret place, the land of tears.


hey moonflower...

Posted by Slowplum on 12/07/2003 12:22:00 PM






Random thinking

Posted by Slowplum on 12/07/2003 08:07:00 AM
Was woken up to two big brown eyes staring at me willing me to wake up. I mumbled a good morning to my son and pulled him into bed between SO & I and hoped I could get another 1/2 hour of rest in. No dice. K has this habit of playing with my face when I'm lying there until I wake up. I turned over hoping it would deter him but that only gave him the bright idea to pull up his legs and try to push me out of bed with them, kangaroo style. I finally gave up and got out of bed at 7:30 in the morning. I actually got to sleep in until 7:30 this morning! Ahh, parenthood...

We all tromped downstairs (because where my son goes, my daughter isn't far behind when it comes to waking up in the morning) while SO slept peacefully (is still sleeping, in fact) and I threw on "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (the animated version). And now both tots are fast asleep on the couch and I am wide awake.

I'm considering making some chocolate chip pancakes, except that would make three mornings in a row I've made them (the other two mornings were at the pleadings of my little ones). Perhaps an omelette. Confession: I cannot make egg dishes to save my life. They always end up a blithering mess that I end up calling scrambled eggs. When I try to fry em up the yoke always breaks on me. It's heart-rending, however much I try I fail. My husband, however, makes a mean breakfast. Which is the nice thing about marriage: sometimes what one cannot do, the other can, or what one will not do, the other will. For instance, he absolutely hates doing dishes, while I don't mind it. So I'm the dish-washer. But I hate laundry, while he prefers it. He's laundry boy.

This is the first weekend since last APRIL that I haven't had anything to do, and now I'm pacing like a tiger.

I've been reading my daughter C a couple of chapters of The Little Prince each night, and she is absolutely loving it. She always nods sagely when the narrator talks about how silly grown ups are. She's getting a little worried, though. We are at the part where the Prince talks about sheep eating flowers. I told her that sometimes stories and other things are sad to remind us to appreciate the happy things in our lives. She felt better about that.

Putting up our tree this year was fun as always. I'm finding that this age that my kids are at is the most fun. Their delight and enthusiasm for the season awakens good memories. I won't kid myself or any of you, it brings up some really bad ones as well, but I am smart enough to tuck those ones aside for the time being. The kids have rearranged the tree decorations eleventy-bajillion times now, and we only put it up on Monday! I may have to put a damper on their re-arranging enthusiasm... but why be a killjoy? The ornaments are plastic, they can do no harm. That's why I bought plastics in the first place. For plastic, they sure look like glass baubles. Heh.

K has taken to calling reindeer "snow angels". I asked him why he said it was because "they fly like angels and do good things for us, mum".

Last night my sister-in-law graced us with her prescence, and the kids pounced upon her immediately. Since she moved to her college town in September, we haven't seen or spoken with her. She's never home because she works two jobs and goes to school... This weekend her DJ'ing job brought her our way so we were the first place she stopped at. She, the kids, and I ended up making peanut butter cookies, which is always chaos when you have a 3 & 5 year old all elbows poking in to get to pour the next ingredient. I should also note that it is freaking HILARIOUS to watch them squish the peanut butter cookies into oblivion with their forks. The squished with wild abandon no matter how many times we showed them not to do it so hard, and we were all laughing and it was great fun. No matter, the cookies were delicious, if a little monstrous-looking.

Today we might go to visit my new baby cousin, RS. My Uncle MS & Aunt ES just had their first baby on Nov. 22, likely their last too because they are both in their late 30's and Aunt ES had so many miscarriages before successfully carrying this one. I decided to give them space before visiting, for one because ES had had a caesarian done and it got infected and needed healing, and for another because I remember taking my own babies home, how it was nice to have visitors but nicer to just be left alone so I could heal and get used to being a mom.

It is strange, having a cousin 27 years younger than you are.

I hear my little monkeys stirring on the couch; time to go see what mischief they're up to today.

I've been informed that I should let it be known: there are only 18 more sleeps until Santa breaks into our house and gives us presents.


i heart finding nemo

Posted by Slowplum on 12/06/2003 07:26:00 AM
You are BRUCE!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

also, go here.


amusing AND true

Posted by Slowplum on 12/05/2003 05:55:00 AM
> According to today's regulators and
> > > bureaucrats, those
> > > of us who were kids in the 30's, 40's, 50's,
> > > 60's, 70's
> > > or even the early 80's, probably shouldn't
> > > have survived.
> > >
> > > Our baby cribs were covered with bright
> > > colored lead-based
> > > paint. We had no childproof lids or locks on
> > > medicine bottles,
> > > doors, or cabinets, and when we rode our
> > > bikes, we had no
> > > helmets. Not to mention the risks we took
> > > hitchhiking.
> > >
> > > As children, we would ride in cars with no
> > > seat belts or
> > > air bags.
> > >
> > > Riding in the back of a pickup truck on a
> > > warm day was
> > > always a special treat.
> > >
> > > We drank water from the garden hose and not
> > > from a bottle.
> > > Horrors! We ate cupcakes, bread and butter,
> > > and drank soda
> > > Pop with sugar in it, but we were never
> > > overweight because
> > > we were always outside playing.
> > >
> > > We shared one soft drink with four friends,
> > > from one bottle,
> > > and no one actually died from this.
> > >
> > > We would spend hours building our go-carts
> > > out of scraps and
> > > then rode down the hill, only to find out we
> > > forgot the brakes.
> > > After running into the bushes a few times, we
> > > learned to solve
> > > The problem.
> > >
> > > We would leave home in the morning and play
> > > all day, as long
> > > as we were back when the street lights came
> > > on. No one was
> > > able to reach us all day. No cell phones.
> > > Unthinkable!
> > >
> > > We did not have Playstations, Nintendo 64,
> > > X-Boxes, no video
> > > games at all, no 99 channels on cable, video
> > > tape movies,
> > > surround sound, personal cell phones,
> > > personal computers, or
> > > Internet chat rooms. We had friends! We went
> > > outside and
> > > found them.
> > >
> > > We played dodge ball, and sometimes, the ball
> > > would really
> > > hurt. We fell out of trees, got cut and broke
> > > bones and teeth,
> > > and there were no lawsuits from these
> > > accidents. They were
> > > accidents. No one was to blame but us.
> > > Remember accidents?
> > >
> > > We had fights and punched each other and got
> > > black and blue
> > > and learned to get over it.
> > >
> > > We made up games with sticks and tennis balls
> > > and, although
> > > we were told it would happen, we did not put
> > > out any eyes.
> > >
> > > We rode bikes or walked to a friend's home
> > > and knocked on the
> > > door, or rang the bell or just walked in and
> > > talked to them.
> > >
> > > Little League had tryouts and not everyone
> > > made the team.
> > > Those who didn't had to learn to deal with
> > > disappointment.
> > > Some students weren't as smart as others, so
> > > they failed a
> > > grade and were held back to repeat the same
> > > grade. Horrors!
> > > Tests were not adjusted for any reason.
> > >
> > > Our actions were our own. Consequences were
> > > expected.
> > >
> > > The idea of parents bailing us out if we got
> > > in trouble in
> > > school or broke a law was unheard of. They
> > > actually sided
> > > with the school or the law. Imagine that!
> > >
> > > This generation has produced some of the best
> > > risk-takers,
> > > problem solvers, and inventors, ever. We had
> > > freedom, failure,
> > > success, and responsibility and we learned
> > > how to deal with it.
> > >
> > > And you're one of them! Congratulations.
> > >
> > > Please pass this on to others who have had
> > > the luck to grow up as kids before lawyers and
> > > government regulated our lives for our own good !!!


i'm turning violet, violet!

Posted by Slowplum on 12/04/2003 06:47:00 AM
you are violet

Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the spacefem.com html color quiz


eat drink, and be merry!

Posted by Slowplum on 12/04/2003 06:14:00 AM
Congratulations! You're Merry!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


funniest thing EVER

Posted by Slowplum on 12/03/2003 08:12:00 PM
(1) go to www.google.com
(2) enter "miserable failure" (without quotes) as the search terms
(3) click "i'm feeling lucky!"


wherein the subject bores her audience to death.

Posted by Slowplum on 12/01/2003 06:56:00 PM
I am too blah to bother keeping up with the following things:

-more memes

So yeah I was in a car accident a few weeks ago, nothing too serious but it left me pretty shaky. The car is fine, just scratched paint on the fender but you shoulda seen the other car, the side all dented in. What are the chances I'd have hit a car of the exact same year and model as mine? Yeah. I'm oh so lucky like that. Now I know what kind of death trap I buckle my kids into all the time. :\ What happened was the car came out in front of me and I couldn't help but hit it. The other lady is fine and so am I and thank god it was in a grocery store, yay for private parking lots meaning no police charges! Once SO found out I was ok he was rather cranky I didn't "wreck the car more" because then we could have "Got a new one". Bah. Men.

Anyway, I'd have written about that before, but the dsl died. IT took about 2 weeks to get a new one, know why? Because our provider sent the replacement one to our old house! We haven't lived there in THREE YEARS, how pathetic.

On the 14th our book reading group got together to discuss the book ME picked, "Madonna: The unauthorized biography". For kicks and giggles we all dressed up like a different type of Madonna. Prizes to those of you who guess correctly which Madonna I was.

I also went to a christening recently but the church now has it set up where they pick one sunday to do it and it's a group effort. so TWELVE babies, 2 7yrold twins, 1 9yrold later, we were all sick of it. The after party was ok, spending time with friends I hadn't seen in a while...

On to more recent stuff:

SO and K have been taking turns being sick since last Thursday. Fun? Hell no. Men and boys are both crankypants when they are sick, gah. K however is his usual hyper self, sickness or no. Kids are amazing that way.

Thursday night was my final exam in the introductory law course I was taking. Now I wait until spring to take the next courses because I fscking hate driving in the winter especially in our area, it's like it's cursed with perpetual bad weather or something. Case in point, on the way home on Thursday it was so foggy I couldn't see two feet in front of me. Imagine doing 100km/h in that sort of weather. Yeah. Real smart, but had no choice, was boxed in by other cars all with some sort of weird death wish. I made it home ok but it was freaky and surreal. Who needs drugs? Come to my town, enjoy our trippy weather!

The exam went pretty well, the essay question I knew the answer to which was so great. I had to stop myself from writing, I ran out of pages.

Friday night was uneventful. Saturday I did a power-clean of the house and prepared food all day for our guests. In spite of his sickness SO insisted that we keep the plans we'd made with his best friend CL and CL's wife, KL. Now KL is pregnant and a vegetarian which made preparing food interesting since SO and CL both wanted steak... anyway there was plenty of food for everyone whether they be carnisaur or veggisaur. C was so cute she kept telling us about the life cycle of pumpkins (she learned in school) and she would change the story from time to time for variety...

Then K decided to get sick, thankfully in the bathroom, but being the mom I was the lucky one who got to spend a 1/2 hr cleaning everything up while everyone else enjoyed not only firsts but seconds of the meal. By the time I was all done to tell the truth I wasn't all that hungry...doubly thankfully, C doesn't seem to have gotten sick yet.

CL & KL stayed for cards after the kids were put to bed. They didn't end up leaving until midnight-ish which was fine but I was so exhausted...and of course didn't get much sleep that night because I was up with K all night. SO thankfully got up with him in the morning so I could get some sleep. But of course, that was not going to happen because C kept coming in asking me to play a game with her that we had made up the day before. When I wouldn't respond (ugh. too tired. go bug dad. mom sleep now.) she would cuddle under the blanket for like, 45 seconds, then poke me in the arm, then ask me stuff. Eventually I gave up and got up with her.

Sunday C and I decided to leave the sick boys to fend for themselves (laying like lumps on the couch) and went to my parents' for a while. Mom made us some tea and then my grandmother came over. Four generations of Sa women sat at the table. It was nice and a bit chaotic, all of us talking at once at some points. I have to say it again, it was nice. This is a big deal because my mother and I have issues at the best of times. Then C stayed at my parents' so she could help my Dad build a snowman, and I came home to spend some time with K, we cuddled on the couch and watched Finding Nemo, his "favoritest movie ever, mum". I sort of fell asleep and woke up in time to go get C again, bring her home and then go out shopping with my mom. On the way I stopped at my grandma's to pick up some things she was donating to a lady at work who lost her house in a bad fire a few weeks ago. I had started taking up collections for her and managed to get her some things to start over, bedding, dishes, etc. from whomever was willing.

Off to the mall with mom. Again, we had a good time together and were exhausted by the end of the day. I haven't had such a nice day with her in a long, long time. Probably because she was too busy to point out the fifty bajillion things that she considers "wrong" about me and my life.

Today was weird weather... sunny then blowy-snowy then sunny then flurries again. The weather has Manic-depression or something.

I had more things to say but I'm spent.

You read all this crap? Wow. You MUST be bored.

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