the year in review.
Posted by Slowplum
1/17/2005 07:16:00 AM
my year-in-review. (gakked from
Post the first sentence of the first entry for each month in 2004.
January: went over to a friends house last night, they have four little boys so my kids had someone to play with and we all sat and ate and laughed and whatever.
February: So last weekend I went to see L.
March: So I went to see my doctor today about that whole "leaking colostrum when I'm not even pregnant and especially during my cycle and by the way it's sometimes green" thing.
April: awesome april fool's day page (had a link to homestar runner's site)
May: Have to go to a party celebrating not one, but TWO first communions... bleh.
June: Tonight was C's first game.
July: So Marlon Brando expired today.
August: went to Barrie over the weekend to visit family, it was a good visit, but traffic was HELL ON EARTH
and I had to work the holiday Monday.
September: i always thought that there'd be lots to talk about
but i never see you and i still look when i go out...
October: so the weekend with the girls up in pike bay was great and much needed and fun.
November: right here is why. (had a link to a site with a picture)
December: Little noses pressed against the glass and gleeful "SNOW SNOW SNOW MOMMMMMMM SNOWWWWWW!" was all I heard when the kids got up and then a squeal of "SANTA IS COMING SOON KNOW HOW I KNOW HUH HUH BECAUSE THE CHOCOLATE. CALENDARS. HAVE. STARTED!" and stomps with every word to emphasize.
Post the first sentence of the first entry for each month in 2004.
January: went over to a friends house last night, they have four little boys so my kids had someone to play with and we all sat and ate and laughed and whatever.
February: So last weekend I went to see L.
March: So I went to see my doctor today about that whole "leaking colostrum when I'm not even pregnant and especially during my cycle and by the way it's sometimes green" thing.
April: awesome april fool's day page (had a link to homestar runner's site)
May: Have to go to a party celebrating not one, but TWO first communions... bleh.
June: Tonight was C's first game.
July: So Marlon Brando expired today.
August: went to Barrie over the weekend to visit family, it was a good visit, but traffic was HELL ON EARTH
and I had to work the holiday Monday.
September: i always thought that there'd be lots to talk about
but i never see you and i still look when i go out...
October: so the weekend with the girls up in pike bay was great and much needed and fun.
November: right here is why. (had a link to a site with a picture)
December: Little noses pressed against the glass and gleeful "SNOW SNOW SNOW MOMMMMMMM SNOWWWWWW!" was all I heard when the kids got up and then a squeal of "SANTA IS COMING SOON KNOW HOW I KNOW HUH HUH BECAUSE THE CHOCOLATE. CALENDARS. HAVE. STARTED!" and stomps with every word to emphasize.