Posted by Slowplum
6/25/2009 06:24:00 PM
To quote a friend of mine, "it's like the 70's and 80's died today". Both Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett. End of an era, and all that rot.
I loved MJ when I was a kid. Thought he was the bees' knees and all that. Then he got all weird and yeah, no thanks. Farrah Fawcett was draped on the walls of more teenage boys than you could shake a stick at, I've no doubt of this, and she was a pretty interesting lady to boot.
I have more to say on this but I'm tired, I'm fighting off a crazy tonsil infection thing that is playing havoc with my sweetmeats among other body parts. Cheers.
Today was also the last day of school, hurrah!