Posted by Slowplum on 10/29/2001 05:37:00 PM
Please die Ana
For as long as you're here we're not
You make the sound of laughter
And sharpened nails seem softer

And I need you now somehow
And I need you now somehow

SilverChair, Ana's Song (Open Fire)

Humdrum life lately, been sick sick sickety sick sick.

Been thinking of things that always crop up this time of year.

At least it's predictable.

Watched this weekend:

High Fidelity
Conan the Barbarian

I thoroughly enjoyed, for the umpteenth viewing. I like to rewatch movies, you catch things the next time around you didn't the time before.

I also frivolously got my nails done today, because I am oh-so-shallow betimes. They look pretty. Pretty pretty.

Sometimes it is nice to do something for yourself.

When I was younger I suffered from bulimia and then later anorexia nervosa. The thing with eating disorders is that they are truly illnesses. They don't just go away and it is easy to get sick again. I am trying not to. But sometimes I just...

Posted by Slowplum on 10/16/2001 05:27:00 PM
Because we all LOVE name genorators!

Mister T Name Generator My name is "Fool"

Oz Prison Bitch Name Generator My name is "Sweet Lips"

Superhero/Villain Generator
Psychicj@k (Psychic-j@k)
Power(s): Juggling
Source of powers: Extra-terrestrial chemical mutant
Weapon: Psychic Tentacles
Transportation: Skatesj@k

Fantasy Name Generator My name is: "Galovia"

Hobbit Name Generator My name is: "Sweetpea Hamwich of Buckleberry Fern"

African Name Generator My name is "Zaghawa"

US Name Generator My name is "Valerie Shelton"

Evangelist Name Generator My name is "Pastor S. Rich Winkey, II"

Jedi Name Generator "You are MCEGR SOSTR of the planet Toradol!"

Rock Star Name Generator
My Alternative name is: Lush Van Ripp
My Blues name is: Bertha Earl Hatters
My Classical name is Vee Ola
My Country name is Reanne Limes
My Electronic name is Deep House Debbie
My Hip Hop name is Shady Lady
My Jazz name is Trudy Roof
My Metal name is Angel Morose
My Pop Rock name is Katie Racket
My World Music name is Ital Misty

White Lesbian Name Generator I'm "Powerful WilyCrone"

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