I went to see the neurologist today and she is weaning me off the apo amitriptylene (for my headaches) and putting me on something else because this stuff just messes me up royally and I am constantly tired and wayyyy too moody. So yay!
My daughter drew me a picture today of a little girl dancing and she atually put some time into it making the face hands hair dress everything. Which was a proud moment because prior to this it was pretty much scribbles and snails. She is only 3. I adore her.
My son has also discovered the magical world of crayons and has found fit to express himself using the medium of black crayon on my living room wall. We still have yet to paint over one of Celeste's previous creations in the front room.
I am itching to repaint the whole house. The people who lived here before had their own ideas about color combinations which leaves much to be desired. A home doesn't feel like home to me until I have done something to alter it, no matter how small.
I have resolved to go against my pack-rat nature and get rid of the things I don't need. This should take me quite some time; but I need to.